Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Fear and Greed as Motivators

A colleague of mine once made the comment that two of the strongest motivators of people are fear and greed. I have pondered this, and I believe that this is a very basic human behavioral pattern. When I discussed this subject with my wife, she said that sex and money are the strongest motivators. Unfortunately, she is right about sex since porn is one of the hottest things on the Internet. Money is also a motivator but it is associated with the greed to which I previously referred. If we have money, we always want more.

Since respectable businesses will not associate with porn, lets address fear and greed.

These emotions are the major motivators used in some of the advertising on the Internet. Most of the high pressure ads that you see begin by promising to make you $1000+ per day (pick your own number). This offer appeals to greed. As you read through the ad, you come to the part where you are told that today is your lucky day since if you order RIGHT NOW, you will get a ???? % (pick your own percentage) discount off the list purchase price AND you will receive many FREE bonus gifts to go with the deal. This is the fear and greed combination since you immediately think that unless you take advantage of this offer you will miss this once in a life time opportunity. What you may not know is there is a built in script (small computer program) on the web page that changes the date of expiration daily so it always remains the same number of days till the offer expires).

Search the Internet and check out a few of the ads that promise to make you rich without your having to work at it, and you will see this pattern. Many of the eBook ads on the Internet today use these same techniques.

Remember FEAR and GREED. Do not let these emotions cause you to make poor decisions on the Internet, because you will certainly be offered the opportunity.

On the contrary, if you are writing sales pages or landing pages for your own website, you can employ the basic human emotions of fear and greed as motivators since they will enable you to create some killer sales pages.

John V. W. Howe is an entrepreneur, author, inventor, patent holder, husband, father, and grandfather. He has been involved in entrepreneurial activities for over 40 years. He founded, and to help Boomers (baby boomers) become entrepreneurs when they retire.Anitra Blog52247
Ashien Blog34998

How To Choose The Right Residential Broadband Service

The first thing you need to know is what is Broadband access? Broadband is defined as any data transmission that exceeds 600 bits per second. There are also residential and commercial versions of broadband and they are very different from each other. This is in terms of price, size and ability and, for the purposes of this article, we will be focusing on residential. For business, even a small business, they are much further ahead with a T1 line, but that is a different story.

There are three primary versions of Broadband Internet access available to the typical residential subscriber. The three kinds of broadband are DSL, cable and satellite. Each has its pluses and minuses and you should be familiar with them because these differences will help you decide which service is best for you and your individual needs.

DSL Digital Subscriber Service

Local and national phone companies offering broadband access offer this service. It accomplished the required data transfer rates by using two separate channels. One channel is used for data and one is used for voice communications. This allows them to push more information through the same size pipe.

The first advantage that most people like is that their phone calls do not interrupt their Internet usage or the other way around also works. You can achieve the higher speeds (128Kbs to 24,000Kbs) that you need to take advantage of most of the offerings on the Internet. The costs are also low, which for some is an advantage. For the best speeds with DSL you need to be within 2Km(1.25 miles) of a central office, beyond that and your speed drops dramatically. DSL is offering by most phone companies (although it is normally the most expensive option) as well as both local and national carriers.


This is exactly what it is, a coaxial cable of the same variety you use for receiving your cable TV signal. Your local cable company provides this service. Speeds are generally 1.5MB, 3MB and even 5MB in some markets. Your area has to have access to cable service in order for you to be able to have cable Internet service.

This is known as an always on service in that you are always connected and that is a two edged sword. You have instant access to everything that you want and it is a bad thing because the bad guys also have instant access to your system. It is highly recommended that you use a firewall and anti-virus software to protect your system from those that are up to no good.


This service is available through companies like DirecTV, Dish Network and Hughes. They provide access to the Internet through both a phone line and a satellite dish. The upload is achieved using a phone line and the download side is through the satellite dish. This will mean longer time to upload files and faster times downloading files.

The advantage to this is that you only need access to a phone line and a satellite subscriber service. This frees you in having service anywhere there is a phone line installed. The disadvantage to this is that, during high wind events or severe storms, you may lose your satellite service and, thus, your Internet access. Also note that many satellite providers will LIMIT how much you can use the system over the month, and when you reach that limit, they will "throttle" your connection down to a much slower speed.

Note that even the top-end satellite systems are not going to be as fast as the majority of DSL or cable options. Also note that some things are not available to you with satellite Internet service, such as the ability to use VOIP phones. VOIP will not work reliably on a satellite connection, simply because of what is called "latency", or the time it takes for the signal to get processed after it goes to the satellite and comes back to earth.

Jon Arnold is a computer engineer and long-term world traveler who maintains many websites to pass along his knowledge and findings. You can read more about DSL and Cable Internet vendors and offerings at his web site at Anastasie Blog9068
Ardyce Blog22234

Wal-Mart Helping the Little Man

Although it caused quite a stir when the idea was first spoken of, the plan for Wal-Mart to offer generic prescriptions for $4 each has faded from the limelight. A perfect time to approach the topic again. Mainly, how does this sort of price slashing benefit the American mega-corp? And, how do the ripples of this venture effect the rest of the pond?

To tackle the first question is very easy. Why would such a seemingly profit hungry corporation suddenly drastically slash the prices on medications? Because they expect to make a great deal of net revenue doing it. While viewed by many as a selfless act, the Wal-Mart drug plan is not intended to run at any kind of loss. Not a single statement Wal-Mart has made says anything about that, in fact, they readily admit they expect and want to profit from this program. Because Wal-Mart can buy enormous quantities of product, the price for doing so is extremely low per unit. However, instead of making the kinds of profits that turn the heads of any suspicious consumer, they will do so at a much lower profit margin per unit.

And that is where the magic is. They will make less money in each sale, but the idea is that low prices attract large numbers of people. In doing this they increase overall profit by simply driving up the volume of sales. There is no happy, selfless, or saintly motivation here, only the raising of the bottom line in a way that only very large and economically powerful corporations can do. However, for every action there is a reaction.

In an article by David Harsanyi of the Denver post, Dr. Jeffrey Zax, an economics professor at the University of Colorado ay Boulder, was quoted as saying this.

I dont see any downside to it. I think its a terrific idea. Its hard to imagine what downside there could be. The only change will be that others will try and meet these prices.

But, of course, there is a downside. Most private pharmacists have no way of matching these kinds of prices. It has long been the same argument against Wal-Mart that they drive anything smaller than them out of business. This is certainly a consequence worth noting. There is another very human consequence to note.

People in America have long carried the heavy load of the insurance industry and its less than helpful attitude about helping people. Now we not only carry the weight, but suffer from it in very real ways. We are a country that does not take preventive measures in health care, we only react to illness and injury that poses a great threat to us. We suffer many ills because we cannot afford to treat them before they stop us. Four dollar prescriptions can make a very real difference in this climate. A family formerly faced with the choice of food or medicine will be able to afford limited health care much more easily. This certainly does not cure the problem of the system, but at least it staunches the bleeding. We must weigh in our minds and hearts if the price of losing small pharmacies is equitable in terms of gains in affordable medicine.

This could be a rare example in modern times of dedicated work toward raising profits is working to also help people live better. Not only that, but it has been done without mandate by the federal government. This may be a very small change, possibly ambivalent, step in the right direction. But in a nation where many people cannot afford insurance for health care at all, even troubled baby steps are better than digging deeper trenches.

Chris Schaffer graduated with his BA in psychology from Mesa State College in 2006. He is the founder of the Sustainable Democracy website and movement.Almira Blog68567
Ameline Blog98653

The RoHS Debate - Do We Need RoHS in the US?

RoHS is often referred to as the "lead-free" directive. The RoHS directive took effect on July 1, 2006.

The RoHS WEEE directive restricts the use of six hazardous materials in the manufacture of various types of electronic and electrical equipment. RoHS COMPLIANT also referred to as RoHS 5 or RoHS 20.

In other words - any manufacturer that plans to sell electronic goods to the European Union must make sure their products comply with the RoHS directive. This has causes an untold burden on electronic manufacturers all over the world. Many consulting companies have sprung up to help factories comply.

Recent news indicates that RoHS is not just inconvenient, but a time-consuming, expensive and ill-conceived environmental law. I think the thought behind it is valid, the world could use less pollutant. But as in most government regulations perhaps RoHS is a little overboard. It reminds one of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

Do we need something like RoHS in the US? The question has been posed to the manufacturing community on more than one occasion. The benefits of RoHS are obvious; it ensures that electronic parts imported into the EU are free from hazardous chemicals and other materials. This is good. But it comes at a great expense. Manufacturers now need to ensure that their raw materials adheres and have to certify that they do.

With no US RoHS legislation proposed, California has enacted its own RoHS rule to take effect in 2007. The California RoHS is not as comprehensive as the EU rule. It also only applies to a certain select group of products sold through California retailers such as laptops, CRTs and TVs. It should also be noted that China is implementing its own RoHS laws in 2007.

People pushing for such a US law say that it is in the best interest of the US electronics industry.

Enacting national RoHS and WEEE rules is an environmentally responsible thing to do. Computers, TVs, and cell phones contain lead, mercury, cadmium, and hexavalent chromium. They also have a shorter life span than ever before. In 1997, the average life span of a computer was 4-6 years; in 2005, it was less than 2 years. Ultimately these products wind up in landfills where the hazardous substances in them can threaten the environment. National RoHS and WEEE laws will provide incentives for removing these substances from new products, and for properly disposing of existing products. Paul Tallentire President, Newark InOne.

The RoHS enforcement authority ( has already begun enforcement of the regulations since the coming into force and has already been working closely with trade associations, quality systems organisations and individual companies providing advice and support on the interpretation of the regulations.

For more information on RoHS:

More information on Sarbanes-Oxley:

Ingvar Grimsmo is an author and webmaster.Brietta Blog59492
Alvinia Blog23753

Driving License Information

Driving license in the United States not only gives you rights and permissions to drive motor vehicle but also acts as personal identity card like the Social Security Number. It can be used as a form of identification for several purposes like opening bank accounts, traveling within the country, and as proof of legal age to buy alcohol and tobacco.

US federal government does not issue national driver licenses. All the 50 US states issue driving licenses separately and they can be used anywhere in America, Canada, and even abroad in certain countries. Every state has its own requirements and application procedures for driving license to the citizens as well as immigrants.

However, in all states you have to appear in a written test, road test and vision test. Some of the states allow foreign license as a proof of one's ability to operate a motor vehicle, thus if you have one they may not ask you to give a road test again. There are also different classes of licenses depending on the type of vehicle you will drive.

If you have not taken the US citizenship, you have to show the proof of your Immigration status for applying for a driving license from any state. This was added by the federal government after 9/11 as an extra security measures when obtaining a driving license. Driver licenses that do not meet these requirements are not accepted as legal identification to get entry into a federal building or to board an airplane in the country.

There is a US government website ( that provides information on driving license. The site has all the details how you can apply, what are the procedures and requirements for a driving license. It has a map of the US and by clicking on the state where you want to apply you can get the information and the procedures.

If you are planning to go to the US, besides American visa and driving license there are many things you should know about. Visit which specializes in filling in the forms of US green card lottery in a complete and accurate manner ensuring that your form for the lottery is complete in all respects. You can get information about social security card, diversity lottery, US citizenship, etc. at the portal.

Manu Goel is Senior editor for web articles. specializes in the green card lottery application process. We will check your form for errors and notify you of missing information and photo requirements. We will then ensure your application is filed timely, properly and accurately. Carri Blog71868
Antonella Blog93031

Social Renewal Through Online Dating Service

If there were one modern invention that has opened the door to limitless possibilities, it would be the Internet. Since its invention in 1989, the Internet has never ceased to provide opportunities for people to discover and rediscover so many things. Aside from paving the way to easy access to almost any information, the Internet has become an avenue to connect people in different parts of the globe.


One of the most popular means of connecting people through Internet is online dating service. Online datingfar from the common conception of being a desperate act of those people who are quite eager to form romantic relationshipsis actually an excellent means of meeting new people, expanding dating pool, or even getting back on the dating scene.

Participated in by millions of people, usually interesting singles looking for prospective partners, online dating is a good way to get out of the shell especially for those who have traumatic experiences in ordinary dating.

Today, more and more people are into online dating services because of time constraint. Too busy in other things, people who are into online dating want to maximize their time by meeting people virtually and form connections with them. Unlike regular dating which will require one to reserve seats in the restaurant or movie house, dress properly, look for possible date gift, and leave behind his/her schedule, online dating will give each individual enough time know each other without exclusive commitment. And since online dating doesnt establish exclusivity to both parties, singles that are into it can even look for other interesting people who they can connect with.


If you are open to the possibilities of romantic relationships by using online dating services, then you must be well aware of the ins and outs of the virtual dating industry.

First, to be able to maximize the possibilities of the online dating service, you must take note of your budget and time before you finally sign up so you can estimate how much time and money you can invest in virtual dating. Second, surfing the Internet for good online dating services can help you decide which one is the best for you. By visiting various websites that offer online dating services, you can see if there are any specific sites that can cater to your interests and needs. Since most of these online dating services offer free trials, you can even take advantage of that promotion to know how well the site or the online dating service itself works.

But if you want first hand information, you might want to ask your friends who have tried using several online dating services and ask which one is the best option for you. If you have chosen several sites, dont be afraid to sign up for more because this will expand and diversify your selection. The following are some of the technicalities you have to deal with in signing up for a specific online dating service.

1. Payment models. Usually, its free to post a profile and photo in online dating services. After that, various kinds of payment models emerge depending on the users preference. The most common model is the monthly subscription model. Here, users should subscribe to be able to send mail but the reply is for free. Next is the reply-based subscription wherein you must subscribe to reply but its free to send mails. Others include buy a block of credits to pay per message, and instant messaging.

2. Profile basics. Online dating services usually require basic information like age, height, ethnicity, religion, eye color, hair color, occupation, education, smoking preference, favorite hobbies, favorite activities, words that describe your personality, things you are looking for in a partner, how serious are you in getting a partner, and questions that help you describe your values, beliefs, and the like.

3. Security issues. Before you weight the pros and cons, compare prices, and sign up totally in any online dating service, it is a must that you determine how mush personal information you are about to give. This will protect you from anyone who would want to use your identity. You must also determine how many people you are willing to communicate with on a regular basis so you can know your prospects very well.

Dr. Nathalie Fiset is a family doctor and a certified hypnotherapist. For more information go to: or Blog30300
Angelique Blog25329

Musicians Of Tomorrow

Music can be beautiful, and for those who play an instrument, the musical experience is even richer, especially if you want to be a professional musician. No matter what your chosen instrument is, there is a professional path. Some desire fame. Others simply want to get paid doing what they love. No matter what your goals are, there are things to consider that will help put you on the path to success.

Here is some advice on what you need to know to become a musician.

Choose Your Instrument. This may seem obvious, but some musicians have a difficult time focusing on just one instrument. If you want to be a professional musician, your chances of making a lucrative living will be greater if you spend all your energy focusing one thing. Of course, there are people who make a good living at a few different instruments, but they are the exceptions.

Get to Know Your Instrument. Once you choose your instrument, the next step is to practice, practice, practice. Not only practice, but get to know your instrument as much as possible. If you play the guitar, get to know the fretboard to the point where you can visualize it. Learn all the chords and scales you can, etc. The more you know your instrument, the easier it will be to become a success.

Take lessons. Another essential step to becoming a musician is to take lessons. You may think you can learn all there is to know by yourself by reading books, etc. But, working with a teacher has a lot of benefits. They can help point out weaknesses, thus shortening your learning curve. They can also help expand your knowledge by encouraging you to play things you wouldnt normally play.

Find Reasons to Perform. A big part of being a musician is your ability to perform. That is why you need to find reasons to play your instrument in front of people. Join the school band. Start a rock group. Visit coffee houses and play your instrument. Do what you need to do to get experience playing in front of people. The more you do this, the easier it will get.

Consider Music School. Another option is to consider going to a performing arts high school or university. Specialty schools can help shape you into a great musician, and also open doors that you may not have considered. Of course, there is a down side to going to a school devoted to the performing arts. Many musicians find these environments stifling.

Your Goals. There are so many roads you can travel down to be a musician, the only way to really keep it straight is to set goals and define your own path. Decide what type of music you would like to play and exactly what you want to do with your career. If you want to start a rock band, make that your goal. The end result may be to get discovered by a top producer, or make a living performing with your violin, etc.

David is the owner of The online audition musicians.Ambur Blog79710
Angelique Blog25329

Ensuring A Profitable Home Based Business Opportunity

If you would like to be one of many who has found a home based business opportunity and become successful with it, then hard work is going to be needed to achieve this goal. A home business opportunity is quite popular now for various reasons. Some people need a home business to help them supplement the income received from there regular job, while others need the home based business as a way for them to keep busy as they might not have another job.

There are many different and numerous types of home based business opportunity for people to become involved in. They range for medical transcription services, to selling cosmetics and toiletries. Each opportunity is unique and suitable for just the right kind of person. There are a number of people or companies who will try to convince you there home business opportunity is perfect for you, when in fact, it might not be. It is up to you to weed through all of the different opportunities to find one that will make you successful. The question, which now arises, is how to ensure that when you have started your home business opportunity that is a profitable one?

You should be aware that a profitable home based business must first start with the correct home based opportunity. Most people choose a home business opportunity, which is quite popular, and everyone knows about. However, the problem, which arises with this, is, without realizing it, the market has already become saturated with many people selling the same product. In this way, your chances of having a profitable home business will diminish due to over availability of the product. On the other hand, choosing a home business opportunity that no one has ever heard of is too risky if this is your first time working with a home based business opportunity. Just because a product or concept might be new, there is no guarantee that it will sell. Therefore you run the risk of not making a profit at all with your home based business opportunity.

In order to ensure you are on your way with a profitable home based business opportunity, everyone thinking about working at home, should think about the amount of money necessary in starting a business. Each different type of home based business opportunity will require various amounts of time and finance dedicated to the job to make it work. For you business to be profitable, it is necessary to first plan out how much will initially be invested into it. A new startup business can quickly drain a bank account if a business plan is not initially drawn up. Therefore, to ensure you business is a profitable one, spend time budgeting out your much money will be allocated for each aspect of the business, and stick to this business plan without spending carelessly.

When first starting a home based business opportunity, a lot of hours are necessary in order to make the business as profitable as possible. This would initially include time spent away from family and friends growing your business to a stable level. Therefore, to ensure your business is profitable, the hours spent away from loved ones must be factored in.

After considering the amount of money and time which is needed to make your home based business opportunity profitable, the most important advice would be to start marketing your business as much as possible. There are many forms of business marketing available such as word of mouth, business cards, brochures and flyers, or ads in the newspaper. Yet whatever type of marketing you choose to adopt, be consistent with it. With more people becoming aware of your business, and telling their friends about it, the more profitable your business will be.

Leonard Bartholomew, B.S. Computer Science. Find all of the elements of an extraordinarily simple online home based business opportunity that you can prosper with at Blog70637
Cassandry Blog91750

New Domain Suffixes: If You Build It, They Will Dot.Com

Where do new domain suffixes come from? Why are there so few domain suffixes (also called domain extensions) and why does my grandmother, who just wants to post pictures from her vacation, have to call herself a

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, the internets chief oversight agency and the group that gets to decide upon top-level domain suffixes, has approved a few new domain suffixes but only and have been widely available for private use.

If youre a school, you can register a web site with the domain extension (which stands, of course, for education.) If youre an organization and you want people to know you are not a commercial operation, you might prefer

Then theres the mysterious domain suffix, used by both businesses and organizations who found their preferred name had already been taken another business or organization. There are more than 20 million domains registered using the suffix, and there can only be one The first one to purchase that domain name gets to use it. Therein lies the problem.

New domain suffixes and you

Sooner or later, everybody in the civilized world will need a little piece of cyberspace to call their own. Your web presence will be the way you interface with the world, the place you collect your mail (Oh, are you doing that already?), get your phone calls and promote your interests. It will be where people find you.

But what will you call it? Can your own name be a domain name? That depends. You might find is still available, but if youre John Smith, no such luck. (And if your surname is Google, youve got real problems.) You can try registering a domain name, although all the more common surnames have been gobbled up.

One international company has started selling .ws web sites; the ws stands for (you guessed it!) web site. It once stood for the tiny island nation of West Samoa, which graciously agreed to make it available to the world because that countrys 200,000 inhabitants dont use computers as much as we do here in the U.S.

The new domain suffixes of tomorrow

Oh, there will be other suffix-come-latelys some day. The ICANN approved for porn sites a couple of years ago. Of course, that wont help my grandmother.

But the last time I checked, was still available.

Kimberley Jace is a connoisseur of domain names and a freelance provider of internet services; learn more about the domain suffix her grandmother favors at This article is copyrighted and may be reprinted only if used in its entirety with this paragraph attached.Brunhilda Blog81244
Alica Blog97818

When to Buy a Color Laser Printer Instead of an Ink-Jet Printer

Computer and technology products continue to improve, and color printers are no different. If you liked the printer your friend bought last week, just wait. You'll be able to get one better and cheaper next week.

So, if you're in the market for a new home or small office printer what should you get, ink-jet or laser? My short answer - laser. Let me explain.

When black ink-jet printers first came out you had to pay somewhere in the neighborhood of $500. You could get a replacement ink cartridge for 20 bucks and you're good to go. Or, you could buy an ink refill kit and refill your cartridge for a fraction of the cost of a new cartridge. Well, those days are long gone. Now you pay twenty bucks for the printer and $500 for the ink! Well, not quite, but it seems that way.

I've worked on printers with a single color cartridge and with one cartridge for each of the three standard colors and either way, you end up paying a lot for ink. So what do a lot of people do to save money on ink? They use their printer as little as possible. While this may seem like a reasonable solution it creates another problem; the ink dries up. Then when you go to print it's all streaky because the ink has dried up and clogged the microscopic jets. So what to do now? You run your printer through the cleaning process, which, unfortunately, USES A TON OF INK!

Here's the answer, buy ink cartridges on sale and stock up. Oops, wrong answer. Ink cartridges have an expiration date and usually don't work after that date.

How about refilling? Most cartridges today use some kind of smart technology that knows when it's empty and won't work when refilled - plus it can be a real mess.

The reason most ink-jet printers are so inexpensive today is that printer manufactures use the same business model as cell phone companies, that is, give away the phone (printer) and make the profit by regularly selling minutes (cartridges). Add to that the natural trend of computer products getting cheaper and the fact that today's printers are really cheaply made (notice I didn't say inexpensive, I said cheap) and you'll see $29 ink-jet printers all the time.

But don't think you can just buy a new printer whenever your ink runs out, because most printers are sold with starter cartridges which are less than 50% full.

So, what about color laser printers? Color laser printers have been around for quite a few years now, costing about ten grand and weighing 100 pounds when the first came out. Now you can get one for under $300 that weighs less than 40 pounds. So obviously it costs more to purchase a laser printer than an ink-jet printer, BUT, the cost per page is much less with laser and the hassle is greatly reduced as well.

So, for routine small office and home use these days, I recommend color laser printers.

Mark Vander PloegBibbye Blog25884
Amity Blog87722

Web Hosting Let Me Explain

If you want a website, then before you do anything else, youre going to need to get some web hosting.

You might not be too sure exactly how the web works, but dont worry its quite complicated, and you dont really need to know about it until you want to make your own website. Basically, every time you go to a website, you connect to another computer (called a server) that sends you copies of that websites pages. Server have to be powerful, as thousands of people could be asking for those pages every second on the webs biggest sites.

For a small site, you dont need your own server. You could set your own computer up to run as a server, but you would have to leave it switched on and connected to the Internet all day long, and if your site got even a little bit popular then your connection probably wouldnt be able to handle it. Instead, what most people do is rent some space on one of those larger servers, paying a different monthly fee depending on how much data their visitors download and for any extra features they need.

If you want a website, then, the first thing you should do is find which one of these web hosts is best for you that is, whose server you should rent space on. Much like looking to rent a home, this is really a matter of personal taste. Paying more is no guarantee of quality, as many hosts prey on their customers lack of understanding to charge unjustifiably high prices. In general, the best way to find a good web hosting company is to ask around, read reviews, and ask on forums for peoples experiences. Youll often find that what seemed like a good deal is actually a disaster, and be steered towards something much better.

John Gibb is the owner of, for more information on web hosting check out http://www.web-hostng-advice-and-info2k.infoAnjanette Blog3849
Allx Blog5522

End Tables The Secret To Completing Your Space

People might not know it, but when you really want to bring the look and feel of your space together, it is the little things that make it all happen. Like, the paintings on the wall and the little personal touches throughout your entire space. So, these little things cannot be overlooked and one important little thing that every home needs are fabulous end tables, because without them, your space will not be complete.

When it comes to end tables, there are many different styles, designs, and shapes to choose from. The basic design of one will include a table top area or base that is supported by four legs. Over the years, there have been many variations made to this design including ones that have a pedestal design with just a single supporting stand to others that even nest within themselves. Some will even have drawers, shelves, and cabinets that are perfect for stowing away any items that you might have. They can also be crafted from many lovely materials including wood, like pine or oak, along with metal, glass, stone, and some will even have leather coverings. With these different materials comes many lovely decorative looks that would surely enhance the appearance of your space. For a quick way to see all of the selection, do not make the mistake of hopping into your car and going to the furniture store. Instead, just turn on the family computer and do some online shopping on the Internet. It is fast and makes comparison shopping a breeze.

All of the different options mean that you can easily find the end tables that will perfectly fit into your space. Like in your living room for example, maybe you have a vintage vibe going on with the furnishings that you already have an antique look and feel to them. Then, a great choice for you are ones that are crafted out of wood, featuring an antique cherry finish along with intricate detailing and scrollwork. Or, maybe your living room has more of a contemporary feel to it. A lovely option for you would be one that features the same contemporary design that is made out of metal and glass with a bold, eye-catching appearance that is sure to please. All in all, there are many options to choose from including those that are plain and simple, to others that are very, very elaborate and everything else in between. And, along with being a wonderful choice for your living room, you could also place one at the end of a hallway, in an office, dining room, or bedroom area.

So, if you really want to bring your space together, then you need to have the little things in place, especially end tables. Not only do they provide a nice decorative touch to the rooms in your home, but they are also a practical item for storing and displaying your stuff. Really, every home needs them and without them your space just would not be complete.

As an owner of many home decor sites, Jesse Akre offers product reviews and information on accent tables and console tables, giving the online consumer help finding elegant furniture to fill their space. Decorate your home your style - your way - Click today: Shop Blog69345
Cathyleen Blog31233

Heading Overseas for Plastic Surgery

Statistics show plastic surgery is becoming more commonplace these days. For some, combining it with a trip makes absolute sense.

Heading Overseas for Plastic Surgery

One of the fastest growing trends in medical treatment today is plastic surgery. Face lifts, liposuction, nose jobs and breast augmentation are all very popular surgical options for people looking to feel better about the way that they look. While plastic surgery is a generally safe and permanent solution to many individuals' cosmetic concerns, unfortunately, it can be expensive. Health insurance usually does not cover the cost of cosmetic procedures, and so many patients are forced to pay for the entire cost of their surgery. In order to cut down on the price of their procedures, many potential patients are now choosing to have plastic surgery overseas.

When choosing to have plastic surgery overseas, there are many issues to consider. Before even starting to look for a different country in which to have your procedure, make sure that you have a consultation with your own doctor here in the United States. That way, you can be sure that you're in good enough health to be able to have any surgical procedure, regardless of the location of the surgeon. You'll also want to make sure to research the location or country where you want to have your surgery performed. Not all countries have the same standards for their doctors and hospitals, so you'll want to find out just what sort of credentials are needed in your chosen country.

Another item to consider when having plastic surgery overseas is what you would do if any complications arise from your surgery. Often, when a patient chooses to have surgery in a different country, aftercare for their cosmetic procedure is not included. You may end up leaving the hospital or facility where your surgery was performed without being fully recovered, because medical standards vary. Be sure to have a doctor lined up for aftercare in the US before leaving for your plastic surgery abroad.

A final item to consider is whether you will actually be saving a large amount of money by having your procedure abroad. Sometimes, when you factor in the cost of flying to a different country, as well as the cost of staying in that country before and after your surgery, it may be cheaper to stay in the US and have your plastic surgery done at home.

Choosing plastic surgery overseas can be a viable choice for people looking to cut down on the cost of cosmetic procedures, but it's important to do a lot of research on the subject before planning your trip and deciding to have surgery in a different country.

Ricardo de Silva is with - a directory of plastic surgeons. Arluene Blog58225
Anjanette Blog3849

Three Thousand Teas

Camellia sinensis is the exotic sounding botanical name for a plant that many of us enjoy on a daily basis. It is the one plant that provides tealeaves. In fact, camellia sinensis gives us an astonishing three thousand different kinds of tea.

Many of the teas derived from camellia sinensis are exotic and limited to small regions of the world. Like grapes that produce fine wines, the distinctive flavour and pedigree of these exotic teas is dependant on varying soil and weather conditions, plantation heights and geographic locations, as well as blending, processing and tea-making methods.

The types of tea are broadly categorized under three general groups: green tea, black tea, and oolong tea. White and Puerh are less common categories of tea. Each type of tea has unique qualities and distinct characteristics derived from the processing methods used to make them.

Black Tea

Currently accounting for about seventy percent of the world's tea consumption, black tea is processed using several hours of oxidation.

Popular varieties of black tea are Assam, Ceylon, Darjeeling, English breakfast, Irish breakfast and Keemun.

Oolong Tea

This is the least popular variety, contributing to less than three percent of the world's tea consumption. Tea enthusiasts often refer to oolong as the "champagne of teas". The tea is partially fermented (oxidized), giving it a delicate taste and aroma comparable to that of fresh fruit or flowers. The caffeine content in oolong teas falls between that of green and black teas.

Green Tea

Unlike black and oolong teas, green tea is not fermented or oxidized, giving the leaves a vegetative or herbaceous quality. The processing method simply involves rolling and heating the freshly harvested leaves. Green tealeaves generally produce a greenish-gold drink with a much lighter flavour than other types of tea. Green tea is highly valued for its medicinal qualities

White Tea

The most delicate of all varieties, white teas are imbued with a natural sweetness. White teas are hand processed and made from the youngest shoots without any oxidation. When brewed correctly, white tea produces very low amounts of caffeine.

Puerh Tea

This ancient black tea has roots that trace to China. Puerh tea is very strong with a deep, earthy flavour, although it is not bitter.

It is said that peurh tea possesses several important medicinal properties. Until 1995 it was illegal to import peurh tea into the United States. The production process is still a closely guarded state secret in China.

Christopher Anderson contributes to several web sites, including and Blog23753
Carla Blog52421

After I Send My Prospect To The Website, I Never Hear From Them Again

Say you're on the phone with a customer prospect, discussing a product that helped you with an achy knee, and they ask to see a website. Where are you sending them?

Go visit that page yourself. Check this: Does it have information about both the business and an array of products? Is it immediately easy to see info about the product whose story you were just discussing?

If you're sending them to your company home page, think again. Chances are it's way to busy for the poor person to find the product you were discussing.

That's why you're losing them - you sent them to the wrong page. They're not looking for a business, but a product, and not an array of them, but the specific one you were talking about.

Do this: find the page on your company site that has the info on JUST THE PRODUCT you like to market - the one that's helped you the most. Send them to THAT page. It's like going to and asking for info on a book you're looking for. Do you expect to see a slew of other books instead, or info on how to make money selling books online? Or do you expect to find info on the book you are looking for?

This is the same.

If the link (URL) is really long, and you market a certain product regularly, consider getting a related domain name, and having it forward to that product page. Make it easy on your customer.

For example, one of my students markets an achy knee product, and right during the 3 Scripts Class, she got the domain name, She set it to forward to the specific product page for that product on her company's website.

Nice and direct for your customer.

And no more lost sales because the customer got totally lost on the company home page when they're looking for a specific product.

Kim Klaver is Harvard & Stanford educated. Her 20 years experience in network marketing have resulted in a popular blog,, a podcast, and a giant resource site, Blog84388
Alayne Blog65959

My Credits Not THAT Bad! The Real Story!

If you've have ever applied for a charge account, a personal loan, insurance, or a job, there's a file on you. This file contains information on where you work and live, how you pay your bills, and whether you've been sued, arrested, or filed for bankruptcy.

The companies that gather and sell this information are called Consumer Reporting Agencies (CRAs). The most common type of a CRA is the credit bureau. The information CRAs sell is called a consumer credit report.

The errors that occur at the 3 major Credit Reporting Bureaus has reached staggering numbers. With over 75 percent of all credit reports containing some sort of error, the vast majority of consumers has been or will be affected by a problem with inaccurate credit history. At least 25 percent of credit reports contain errors so severe that it would cause a loan or mortgage application to be denied.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act, enforced by the Federal Trade Commission, is supposed to ensure accuracy and the privacy of the information used in consumer reports. Recent amendments to the Act expand your rights and place additional requirements on CRAs. Businesses that supply information about you to CRAs and those that use consumer reports also have new responsibilities under the law.

Here are some important questions and answers about your rights under Federal Law.

Q. How do I find the CRA that has my report?

A. Contact the CRAs listed in the Yellow Pages under "credit" or "credit rating and reporting." Because more than one CRA may have a file on you, call each until you locate all the agencies maintaining your file. The three major national credit bureaus are:
P.O. Box 740241
Atlanta, GA 30374-0241
(800) 685-1111.

P.O. Box 2104
Allen, TX 75013
(888) EXPERIAN (888-397-3742).

Trans Union
P.O. Box 1000
Chester, PA 19022
(800) 916-8800.

This is really important. Anyone who takes action against you in response to a report supplied by a CRA -- such as denying your application for credit, insurance, or employment -- must give you the name, address, and telephone number of the CRA that provided the report.

Q. Do I have a right to know what's in my report?

A. Yes you do but you MUST ask for it. The CRA must tell you everything in your report, including medical information, and in most cases, the sources of the information. The CRA also must give you a list of everyone who has requested your report within the past year -- two years for employment related requests.

Q. Is there a charge for my report?

A. Sometimes. The good news is that there's no charge if a company takes adverse action against you, such as denying your application for credit, insurance or employment, and you request your report within 60 days of receiving that notice of the action. The notice will give you the name, address, and phone number of the CRA. In addition, you're entitled to one free report a year (1) you're unemployed and plan to look for a job within 60 days, (2) you're on welfare, or (3) your report is inaccurate because of fraud. Otherwise, a CRA may charge you up to $9 for a copy of your report. The amount varies by state.

Q. What can I do about inaccurate or incomplete information?

A. Under the new law, both the CRA and the information provider have responsibilities for correcting inaccurate or incomplete information in your report. To protect all your rights under this law, contact both the CRA and the information provider.

First, tell the CRA in writing what information you believe is inaccurate. CRAs must reinvestigate the items in question - usually within 30 days -- unless they consider your dispute frivolous.

Now we get to the good part. If you have several items to dispute and submit them at the same time the CRA will almost always consider your dispute frivolous. Sorry, thats just the way it is. Your best bet is to dispute one or two items at a time. Send your letter, wait two weeks, send the next letter and so on. Best idea is to find something wrong with what is being reported. Check the details. Are the dates correct, the amount correct, the payments correct? Do you even owe the debt? Was it paid off?

The CRA must forward all relevant data you provide about the dispute to the information provider. After the information provider receives notice of a dispute from the CRA, it must investigate, review all relevant information provided by the CRA, and report the results to the CRA. If the information provider finds the disputed information to be inaccurate, it must notify all nationwide CRAs so that they can correct this information in your file.

Now for the REAL story. The information provider will almost always responds saying they investigated and the debt is valid. That's all it takes for the CRA to substantiate the debt and tell you to take a hike. Now think about it, you have a debt that is not yours and you go to the CRA to dispute it. They send a letter and to the no good company reporting you as a deadbeat and asked them to substantiate a non-existent debt. To add insult to injury that no good company tells the CRA its good debt and your SOL.

When the reinvestigation is complete and its favorable to you, the CRA must give you the written results and a free copy of your report. If an item is changed or removed, the CRA cannot put the disputed information back in your file unless the information provider verifies its accuracy and completeness, and the CRA gives you a written notice that includes the name, address, and phone number of the provider.

Second, tell the creditor or other information provider in writing that you dispute an item. Many providers specify an address for disputes. If the provider then reports the item to any CRA, it must include a notice of your dispute. In addition, if you are correct -- that is, if the information is inaccurate -- the information provider may not use it again.

Personally, after helping dozens of people clear negative, incorrect information from their credit reports I can tell in option 1 is a necessary step but for the most part a useless step. Going right to the creditor and documenting the attempt is by far the best way to remove the inaccurate information on your credit reports. After disputing the information to the creditor, documenting the attempt, and documenting the non response of the creditor you have irrefutable evidence to present to the credit bureau. According to the federal law they have no choice but to remove the incomplete or inaccurate information

Q. What can I do if the CRA or information provider won't correct the information I dispute?

A. A reinvestigation may not resolve your dispute with the CRA. If that's the case, ask the CRA to include your statement of the dispute in your file and in future reports. If you request, the CRA also will provide your statement to anyone who received a copy of the old report in the recent past. There usually is a fee for this service.

If you tell the information provider that you dispute an item, a notice of your dispute must be included anytime the information provider reports the item to a CRA.

Q. Can my employer get my report?

A. Only if you say it's okay. A CRA may not supply information about you to your employer, or to a prospective employer, without your consent.

Q. Can creditors, employers, or insurers get a report that contains medical information about me?

A. Not without your approval.

Q. What should I know about "investigative consumer reports"?

A. "Investigative consumer reports" are detailed reports that involve interviews with your neighbors or acquaintances about your lifestyle, character, and reputation. They may be used in connection with insurance and employment applications. You'll be notified in writing when a company orders such a report. The notice will explain your right to request certain information about the report from the company you applied to. If your application is rejected, you may get additional information from the CRA. However, the CRA does not have to reveal the sources of the information.

Q. How long can a CRA report negative information?

A. Seven years from the day the debt went bad. But there are certain exceptions:

Information about criminal convictions may be reported without any time limitation.
Bankruptcy information may be reported for 10 years.
Information reported in response to an application for a job with a salary of more than $75,000 has no time limit.
Information reported because of an application for more than $150,000 worth of credit or life insurance has no time limit.
Information about a lawsuit or an unpaid judgment against you can be reported for seven years or until the statute of limitations runs out, whichever is longer.

Q. Can anyone get a copy of my report?

A. No. Only people with a legitimate business need, as recognized by the FCRA. For example, a company is allowed to get your report if you apply for credit, insurance, employment, or to rent an apartment.

The truth is that just about anyone can get your credit report for just about any reason. How it works. I want information on you. I go to one of thousands of small businesses that have access to the CRAs and say I do have a legitimate reason for wanting the information. I say you are applying for a job or you want to buy my car on time payments and I want to be sure your legit. Thats all it takes, Ive got everything I need to know about you. Can kid yourself, this happens thousands of times every day across the nation. You can even do it on the Internet. There are thousand of companies that will get you information on anyone you want if you're willing to pay a few bucks.

Q. How can I stop a CRA from including me on lists for unsolicited credit and insurance offers?

A. Creditors and insurers may use CRA file information as a basis for sending you unsolicited offers. These offers must include a toll-free number for you to call if you want to remove your name and address from lists for two years; completing a form that the CRA provides for this purpose will keep your name off the lists permanently.

And the rest of the story he is: Call those numbers and see how successful you're getting removed. Those toll-free numbers are the reason I use high blood pressure medicine now. And by the way, I never did get removed.

Q. Do I have the right to sue for damages?

A. You may sue a CRA, a user or -- in some cases -- a provider of CRA data, in state or federal court for most violations of the FCRA. If you win, the defendant will have to pay damages and reimburse you for attorney fees to the extent ordered by the court.

Q. Are there other laws I should know about?

A. Yes. If your credit application was denied, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act requires creditors to specify why -- if you ask. For example, the creditor must tell you whether you were denied because you have "no credit file" with a CRA or because the CRA says you have "delinquent obligations." The ECOA also requires creditors to consider additional information you might supply about your credit history. You may want to find out why the creditor denied your application before you contact the CRA.

Tom Sheltraw is the content manager of several websites covering all aspects of making and saving money. He owns and operates helping you to Make Extra Cash because, Being Broke .... SUCKS. For a FREE money making report go to: Click now for your FREE Report! Publishing guidelines: Please feel free to publish this article as long as its contents and resource box remain unchanged.Amii Blog54990
Anjanette Blog84074

Low Rate Unsecured Loan: No-Security Money At Low Interest

The basic style of living that we follow nowadays demands a lot of amenities. Fulfilling these may require some extra money in addition to the regular income. It may seem like a problem when a needful person does not have an asset to pledge. But actually it is no more a hindrance. Low rate unsecured loan solves this problem.

A low rate unsecured loan provides money for any and every purpose of the borrower as it is a personal loan. It can be used for debt consolidation, home improvement, a vacation or educational expenses.

As the name suggests, low rate unsecured loan does not require any collateral for its approval. The borrower can borrow money without pledging any asset with the lender. Inspite of no assets attached to the loan, the lender provides a low interest rate to the borrower.

To apply for the low rate unsecured loan, the borrower has to fulfill some basic requirements like:

* Proof of employment
* Residential proof
* Age proof of over 18 years
* Proof of regular monthly income

With all these details in place, the low rate unsecured loan is approved easily. The approval is a fast process as there is no evaluation of assets required in it. As a low rate unsecured loan, an amount of 1000-25000 can be borrowed. This amount is borrowed for duration of 6 months to 10 years.

Bad credit people also can avail low rate unsecured loan but that is available at a slightly higher rate of interest to make up for the high risk involved in the deal. This rate can be brought down either by proving good repayment ability and also by researching online. Timely repayment can help in improving the credit history of the bad credit borrower.

Low rate unsecured loan can act as a support for people who want to improve their credit history in addition to fulfilling the need for money. A genuine step in this direction can help a borrower achieve contentment.

Andrew Baker has done his masters in finance from CPIT. He is engaged in providing free, professional, and independent advice to the residents of the UK. He works for the UK finance world for any type of loans as low rate unsecured loan, bad credit secured loan, personal loans, cheap secured loan, loans, unsecured loans please visit Blog63179
Allx Blog36175

Hair Growth Inhibitors Just A Scam?

A scam is a dishonest attempt to get you to part with your money by making exaggerated claims or by failing to deliver the goods promised.

As there is such a huge demand for convenient hair removal methods, the entry on the market some years ago of solutions known as hair inhibitors, which claim to slow down or even permanently stop hair growth, were welcomed by many.

However, due to dubious claims and many disappointed customers in some cases, the shouts of SCAM! can be heard on some web site forums.

Are these accusations justified? Just what is the truth about hair inhibitors?

I have been marketing hair inhibitors now for some years and can provide some honest answers.

First, it is important to do a little checking on the company promoting the product and see if there are any negative comments on the internet. Usually just entering the name of the product or the company along with the word scam or complaints in Google will give you an indication.

There are claims in some places that hair inhibitors can result in permanent hair removal. Personally, I would not say this is common. Perhaps in some instances this may be the case, but electrolysis and laser hair removal seem to be the only permanent hair removal methods currently available. Even then, results can vary from person to person and there can be regrowth in some cases.

It does seem however that hair inhibitors can slow down the rate of hair growth if used after each hair removal session. They work best with hair removal methods that take hair out by the root, such as waxing, sugaring, tweezing or threading. The enzymes in the product can get into the hair follicle and affect the rate and texture of regrowth so hair removal sessions are not so frequent and they become easier as the hair that regrows is often finer.

It is important to say that results vary from individual to individual. So in some cases, they may not make any difference at all. In other cases the results may be poor, good, or excellent, depending on how the individual responds to the treatment.

So before ordering a hair inhibitor, make sure the product carries an unconditional, no questions asked, full money refund guarantee. In my experience, the refund rate is around 1%, so obviously the majority of users are satisfied to the extent they do not feel it is worth requesting a refund.

I have been associated with Nisim International, the makers of Kalo, which has been on the market since the early 1990s. They are a very honest company and offer good customer service. They run a forum for Kalo users and some of the answers from the Administrator to the pointed questions are very helpful. I have set out a selection below.

To sum up: Are hair inhibitors a scam? It depends on the company. Before parting with your money, do research and make sure the company is reputable and there is a full guarantee. If after 3 or 4 months you do not get the results you wish for, claim a refund. Thats what the guarantee is there for!

If you wish to do more research on Kalo see the resource box below.

Here are the comments from the Kalo user forum:

Consumer: "Hey its been 4 months since I purchased Kalo hair inhibitor. I have used it 5 times already. I'm really getting worried Kalo won't work for me. I do exactly as it says on the instruction. How come I'm not seeing any results?"

Admin: "You may not like this answer, but you may be one of the people it does not work for. It sounds as though you are doing it correctly. I hope we can help you but if not we will be happy to provide you with a refund."

Consumer No. 1: "If Kalo hair inhibitor actually works, why isn't it a very well known and sought after product? It certainly isn't up there with Rogaine or Propecia."

Admin: "Advertising is really the answer. Big drug companies like Upjohn (Rogaine) and Merck (Propecia) spend about 75-100 million dollars each per year advertising just those two products. We don't have anywhere near that kind of budget. We have chosen to grow slowly and steadily by word of mouth and small regional advertising campaigns."

Consumer No. 2: "I'm not convinced. Rogaine is FDA-approved and proven by clinical controlled double blind studies. Why hasn't Nisim conducted a controlled double blind study to satisfy the scientific community and thus inspire confidence in the public eye?"

Admin: "The cost of an FDA approved double blind clinical study is about a million dollars. We have conducted a study (not a double blind study) and it does work. We guarantee results with a no time limit full money back guarantee."

Consumer: "I purchased two Kalo hair inhibitor lotions to decrease the growth of my facial hair. I have used it twice or three times now and didn't see a difference."

Admin: "After shaving and using Kalo hair inhibitor you will need to use it for about 3 weeks to start to see a difference. If you use Kalo after waxing, tweezing or sugaring, you will see a difference in about 2-3 sessions."

Consumer No. 1: "Are there any reports of Kalo not working?"

Consumer No. 2: "Yes, you can find messages on this board to that effect. However, the vast majority of messages I've read have been positive."

Consumer: "After only one month and several times with tweezing, hair on the back of my hands and around the nipple area are almost gone. I'm seeing good results as of now."

Admin: "Thanks for the report. Please keep us posted."

Consumer: "A fast note about my results with Kalo after about 120 days. Good news - still reducing all my pubic hair. There is now large clean patches of no hair or black spots showing on my skin. All the hair is like fine baby hair now that is still growing back slowly. Very happy with Kalo so far."

Admin: "Great! Glad to hear about the good results."

Consumer: "Using Kalo hair inhibitor its now only been like 3 months. The pubic hairs that are left are very fine and weak. Boy as long as you get the hair out by the roots without breaking, this stuff Kalo just works great for me. Good luck to all - it just takes time."

Admin: "Those are great results. Thank you for posting."

Consumer No. 1: "I want to know if Kalo hair inhibitor really works."

Consumer No. 2: "I bought Kalo sometime in January and it's April now. I can tell you I've seen awesome hair reduction on my stomach only after waxing twice. About 40% of my stomach hair is gone! Just to tell you I'm a dark tanned 18 year old male with brown hair."

Mike Jones is a writer and webmaster with over 10 years experience. His Body Care web site offers a number of discounts on hair inhibitors and other products. Get information here: Blog68302
Blinnie Blog16412

DotProject Benefits---Why DotProject Should Be Your Chosen PMS?

While it comes to describing DotProject---the popular project management solution----one word is sufficient and that is robust. While its commercial counterparts come with an exorbitant price tag, this free PHP/mySQL based open source application offers you more features than most of them.

The basic objective of project management system can be divided into three main categories:

* The creation of planning of the project

* Breaking the whole plan structure into a series of tasks

* Assigning schedule to each task to achieve certain outcomes

* All these three main aspects of project management vary with the nature and type of each project.

Efficient project management

DotProject is a project management solution that helps to meet you with all these above mentioned project management needs and beyond that. It helps categorize projects as in planning, in process and as on hold.

This program helps in tracking the various aspects of the expansion project.

A full calendar and ticket system helps update and prioritize your to-do lists.

It supports a better communication with your long distance employees as well as clients.

The right choice for the budget conscious

The DotProject can be the ideal project management solution for the organizations who have to keep the budget factor in mind; for DotProject being an open source solution it has no fees. It comes under a generous license agreement under BSD, GNU General Public License (GPL). Thus you dont have to pay license fees, maintenance fees, or purchasing fees.

Simple technology; easier operation

In addition to that it is stable software and utilizes purely open source LAMP technologies including PHP hosting and MySQL database management. It works on all the major browsers and is backed by a supportive community. It supports a fine-grained permission system and also scalable.

Modular structure

DotProject can be integrated with other popular open-source projects such as PostNuke. Its modular character lets you expand its functionalities. With dotProject you have the option of using only the modules you need. Just disable the modules that dont match your project management needs. Its sleek framework makes it easier for the customization by users or by the developers.

If you are still not convinced, our recommendation is: try DotProject web hosting. We are sure with DotProject as your support system, you will never look back.

Fat Jack Hosting is the Internet Marketers Dream when it comes to hosting. Not only do we have great ongoing 24/7 support, but we understand the small business owner, entrepreneur and internet marketer because we are owned and operated by an extremely successful one. Thats why you get great customer service, tips, strategies and support. Go here right now to get your hosting account>> http://www.fatjackhosting.comAnna Diana Blog76356
Brenda Blog81405

Buying a FranchiseUnderstanding Your Options

So youre considering buying a franchise. Whether youve found a particular franchisor to work with or youre just drawn to the notion of having a franchise, looking at all your business ownership options is a critical step in your process of due diligence.

Besides the obvious - product(s), marketplace, competition and site selection - there are many other considerations that must be weighed in determining the right business for you.

Here are some of the initial questions I asked myself when I researched business opportunities:

* What are my income objectives?
* How quickly can I generate that income?
* What initial investment, or start-up capital, will I have to put up to get my business started?
* How much can I expect to pay in overhead costs?
* How much can I expect to pay in stocking inventory?
* How long can I survive financially without seeing a profit?
* What is my financial position; can I get financing?
* How much risk am I assuming by entering into a particular business?
* What are my areas of expertise?
* Will I be restricted by a particular territory in which I can do business?
* How much personal sacrifice will be required of me and my family as I build my businesshow committed am I?

My Objective

Lets be honest here. Business ownership isnt for everyone. And some are better equipped than others to deal with the myriad of challenges which will inevitably arise throughout the life of any business.

In this article I will focus on one particular segment of research I conducted while investigating various business ownership options; the comparison I made between buying a franchise and the particular alternative I ultimately chose - becoming an independent distributor with a direct sales organization offering big-ticket information products with high profit margins.

The aim of this article is to share with other prospective franchise buyers my experience with this particular direct sales option as an extremely viable and cost-effective alternative to purchasing a franchise.

Income Potential

While individual franchisors may make income claims, I have learned there are no known studies that examine the return on investment in franchising as an industry. It is safe to assume the franchisors income projections will be optimistic. Speaking with individual franchisees about their individual experiences is critical in establishing realistic projections with which you can work and upon which you can depend.

It should be noted that several years ago, franchisors regularly quoted on the success rate in franchising in comparison with independent businesses. Quotes of these old statistics are rarely now seen due to their flawed nature and the determination they simply were not valid. In fact, a few years ago the International Franchise Association went as far as making a recommendation that franchisors stop using those debatable statistics.

That being said, while no exact figures are known it is generally believed that the annual gross income for a typical franchise is somewhere in the range $75,000 - $125,000 (before taxes).

Although I cant speak to the income potential for the entire direct sales industry, I can speak for the direct sales opportunity I selected. At a minimum $1,000 commission per transaction and as much as $10,000 commission per transaction with minimal business and overhead expenses, income potential is substantial. Most distributors are qualified and in an income earning position within a couple of months; some in a matter of days. Many individuals, in periods of less than 2 years, have experienced income of six figures per month. Many more individuals have quickly (within 1 to 2 months) achieved five figure monthly income levels.

Initial Investment

The average initial franchise investment is $250,000, not including real estate. Part of that investment is your initial franchise fee. As stated in the FTCs A Consumer Guide to Buying a Franchise, your initial franchise fee, which may be non-refundable, may cost several thousand to several hundred thousand dollars. Paying this fee generally allows the franchisee to use the franchisors name and business system for a specified period of time.

Conversely, when I started as a distributor with the direct sales organization I chose, I was only required to pay a distributor fee of $99 per year. Paying this distributor fee gave me the right to act as an independent distributor for the company, while being in business for myself. It also provided me with administrative service, training and support for my business.

Serious direct sales distributors (I consider myself among them) for the company I represent choose to invest in their businesses. Initial investments within my direct sales organization, including marketing, advertising and product ownership, generally run between $2,000 and $20,000. This range is a significantly smaller investment than required in a typical franchise situation.

Overhead & Operating Costs

When purchasing a franchise you can expect significant expense to build your store, or at the very least build out an existing structure.

Other considerations with franchises are signage, furniture, dcor and office equipment. If signage is required it may require special zoning approval by your city government, which can be an additional expense in time and money not to mention a major hassle.

Additional franchise costs to consider are special insurance, operating licenses and royalties fees. Royalties fees alone will cost 4-8% of your total sales every month (regardless, of course, of whether or not youre yet seeing a profit in your business). These expenses can easily add up to tens of thousands, to hundreds of thousands of dollars depending on the franchisors requirements.

In the case of the direct sales option I selected, there is little overhead cost involved and there are no unusual insurance, operating license or royalties fees requirements. I am able to conduct my business from an office in my home (which, of course, I write off on my taxes) or from anywhere in the world where I have access to the internet, using a dedicated phone and fax line and a personal computer. And I must repeat there are no royalties fees.


Stocking inventory for a typical franchise opportunity can, again, cost in the range of tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars. The cost of warehousing that inventory can range anywhere from a couple dollars per square foot to hundreds of dollars per square foot, depending on whether your inventory will be located onsite in a high-rent district or offsite in an industrial location and also depending upon your local real estate market.

Because in my direct sales business I offer an information product, there is no inventory involved. There are no lotions, potions, pills, books, CDs, tapes or DVDs to inventory - or to ship, for that matter. The products are offered online and delivered online. Not only does this make for an extremely convenient business, it offers the distributor an extremely high profit margin from which to draw a very attractive commission.

How Long Can You Survive Without Profits?

As a franchisee, if we look at the example with an average investment level of $250,000 and an assumed annual gross income of $75,000 - $125,000 (before taxes), your break even would happen around 3 years. Obviously, in the meantime you would need to have enough cash to sustain yourself, your family and your business.

Conversely, with the direct sales opportunity I chose, all you need to do is get past your first two initial sales and youre making money right away ($1,000 to $10,000 per transaction).

Your Financial Position & Getting Financing

Among the very first considerations to be made when considering a franchise is your own financial position. Dealing with financial skeletons in the closet ahead of time can save you a great deal of time, hassle and disappointment.

For example, do you know your credit score? Are you intimately familiar with the specifics of your credit record? How much personal capital do you have available to invest in your business?

Once youve chosen a particular franchise it will be necessary for you to put together a business plan that you can bring, along with a draft copy of your franchise agreements, to your lender(s) of choice. Your business plan will include such subjects as your ventures goals and objectives, your financial projections, the background of management, and a market analysis describing your products, services, competition and projected business life cycle.

Fortunately, the direct sales avenue I took requires very little financial commitment. While some business owners are able to fund their businesses themselves, others needing to borrow the initial cash required - from lending institutions, family or friends - have found the small initial investment ($2,000 to $20,000) quite effortless to raise (even when there have been skeletons), certainly in comparison to raising franchise funding in the neighborhood of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Typically, financing in this range will not require a business plan.


A franchise agreement is a lot like a prenuptial agreement, in that it describes in detail the nature of the franchisees relationship with the franchisor including under what circumstances that relationship can be terminated.

However, keep in mind that the franchise agreement is primarily designed to protect the franchisor not you, the franchisee. And more often than not there is an uneven balance of power involved with the weight of power being on the side of the franchisor (not you, the franchisee). In fact, while most franchise agreements allow the franchisor to easily terminate their relationship with the franchisee if certain obligations are not met, most franchise agreements make it very difficult, if not nearly impossible, for a franchisee to terminate the relationship.

Other risks involved in buying a franchise include the potential of defaulting on the sizable loan youll likely need in order get your business off the ground, additional financial requirements for third-party leases or sub-leases of property, as well as the simple reality of cash and inventory theft, in some cases by employees.

My direct sales business carries very little risk, if any at all. My distributor agreement requires that I conduct myself ethically, professionally and with integrity. No problem there. It requires that I not misrepresent the company or its products. No problem there either. For those of us who choose to fund our businesses with loans, the principal amounts were talking about (between $2,000 and $20,000) are insubstantial in comparison to loans for operating a franchise. Because we operate our businesses from our homes, we neednt enter into third party leases or sub-leases of property. And theft is simply not a factor because we dont have employees and we dont have physical inventory!

Expertise & Professional Assistance

When choosing to buy a franchise, mistakes can be especially costly. As such, professional guidance is critical. Identifying your strengths and weaknesses early in the game will help you determine the specific areas in which professional assistance will be necessary and what this assistance will cost.

For example, what is your business experience and background? Do you have experience managing people? If so, do you enjoy this aspect of running a business?

And unless you are a CPA, you will absolutely need an accountant. Similarly, unless youre already a lawyer, youll need professional legal advice preferably from a lawyer specializing in franchise law.

The beauty of the direct sales option I selected is that it requires no business expertise whatsoever. We follow a simple business system directed by our company which, when followed, allows pretty much anyone with any background to build a successful business.


Unless you plan to work 120 hours a week juggling the responsibilities of your franchise, you will need employees. The type of employees youll need will, of course, depend on the franchise. You may need employees with management experience, employees with specific skills or just high school students getting minimum wage.

Whatever kind of employee you need, you can count on a few things. First, as dedicated and professional as an employee might appear, they will not run the business as if it were their own (so youll really need to keep a close eye on things!). Second, as I mentioned above under Risk, whenever there are employees there is also theft (sad, but true). Third, whenever there are employees, there will be employees who call in sick, employees who simply dont show up when scheduled, and employees who quit (or get fired) unexpectedly. Fourth, whenever there are employees there is Workers Compensation insurance.

This is another area in which I came out ahead by selecting the direct sales opportunity I chose. No employees. Period.


Most franchise agreements involve some sort of territory designated in which you can operate. Some will have provisions for exclusivity within that territory.

On the contrary, the direct sales opportunity I chose has absolutely no designated territory. The entire globe wherever there are telephones and internet access is my marketplace. Because the product we offer has mass appeal, and is accessed and distributed via the internet, this makes for a huge, long-term business opportunity for distributors like me.

Personal Sacrifice

Last, but certainly not least, how much personal time and energy are you prepared to invest in your franchise?

Unless youre prepared to hire management staff right from the start, your franchise is likely to require many hours of your personal time for an extended period of time. From time to time, it is also likely you will find yourself covering for employees during unexpected absences and during times of employee turnover.

It is extremely important to have realistic expectations of the personal sacrifice that not only you, but your family, will have to make in order for your franchise business to get up and running and ultimately reach a point of profitability.

It is advisable to plan in advance by arranging an emergency family support network to cover minor unexpected family emergencies as they arise. Thinking ahead about who will transport a child to and from a weekend Little League game or from daycare during the week will reduce family stress on a day-to-day basis. That being said, keep in mind there will be times when your emergency family support network will be unavailable to come to your aid.

It was for these very reasons that I chose the particular direct sales business I joined. I choose the number of hours I work per day on a schedule that works for me. I do this from the comfort of my home, with no employees to worry about I have complete flexibility for my family and I make virtually no personal sacrifices for the sake of my business (except for a cluttered office!).

In Summary

I considered business ownership for many, many years. But, I like to sleep at night. I realize I havent covered all of the pitfalls that must be considered in purchasing a franchise. But, these are primarily the ones that kept me awake at night, ultimately causing me not to act.

But, theres good newsWhat it comes down to is this: There are alternatives to entering into encumbering franchise agreements, tying up large sums of cash, carrying massive debt obligations and committing countless hours of precious time and lost sleep in the interest of creating a substantial income-producing business.

While there is no one-size-fits-all business model, the direct sales business I selected offers the executive level income opportunity I desired without the worries and uncertainty involved in purchasing a franchise.

Today I have what is best suited to me: I am an independent business owner representing a high integrity company offering quality, practical information products with that I can enjoy a fantastic income, flexibility and freedom of time, virtually no risk and most importantly, peace of mind.

I wish you well in finding what is best suited to you.

Your Feedback

I hope you found this report useful. Im very interested in your feedback concerning this report, as well as any related experiences you wish to share. You may contact me at 978/358-7108 or email me at

Wishing you much success!
-MaryAnn Waring

MaryAnn Waring is a work-from-home entrepreneur with a business background of over twenty years. If youd like to learn more about MaryAnn, you may visit her at http://www.wealthwithmaryann.comAlis Blog35621
Brier Blog6196

6 Effective Ingredients Of Quality Acne Treatments

If you ask an acne patient who for many years, has used a vast range of topical acne treatments in the hope of finding one that successfully got rid of all the acne spots on her face fully and consistently, whether or not she managed to find one... you can bet that her answer will be, "No I didn't".

Millions of people all over the world break out with acne spots. Unfortunately, only a very small proportion of them "luckily" get to meet somebody who points them in the direction of finding a good quality acne treatment. A topical cream that contains powerful natural and synthetic ingredients that are put together in the right mix to make a formulation that has the ability to effectiely free up some space in the follicular openings in the epidermal layer of their skin. A cream that then allows trapped oily sebum to flow out easily, which in turn, dramatically leaves their skin looking clearer, smoother, tougher, younger, and enviable. A product that does this well... in fact, very well.

It's important to note that your skin is made up of several layers, and we are concerned with the stratum corneum (which is in actual fact the upper layer of the epidermal layer), the remainder of the epidermal layer itself, and the dermis which lies beneath the epidermis. Why note this? Because hyperstimulation of the sebaceous glands in response to a surge in androgenic hormones is what starts everything off, and this happens in the dermis. Also, many of the pronounced comedones form here. As far as the epidermis and stratum corneum are concerned, these layers are full of Propionibacterium Acnes, dirt, debris, and dead skin cells. You need to get rid of these to make it easy to unblock the plugged follicles in the dermis. The most efficient way to achieve this is by the process of "abrasion", "sloughing", or exfoliation, which all mean the same thing really.

My intention here is to talk about specific ingredients that go inside ance treatments that are topically applied, and why such ingredients set the treatments that they are found in, apart from the money wasters. The below average treatments that are merely adequate for people who break out with the mildest form of acne. The type where they break out with one little tiny red spot once in a blue moon. And this is certainly not the case with somebody with large prominent pimples.

If you fit in this latter category of people and would like to know what pioneering skincare experts include in their cosmetic products to bring them to a standard where the formulation is able to effectively get rid of such spots, then here are some pointers for you to follow before you purchase your next acne treatment. This is a list of the most effective, and widely used ingredients in good cosmetic products that will bring about a marginal improvement in your complexion:

1. Glycolic Acid - This is number one on the list for a good reason, and that reason is, that it is one of the most powerful and effective exfoliants in the industry. Glycolic acid penetrates your skin, frees plugged pores and follicles, and does this job well. I would suggest that you end your frustrations with benzoyl peroxide and move onto this ingredient soon.

Glycolic acid is classified as an "alpha hydroxy acid" (AHA). It is a naturally occuring chemical found in sugar cane. There are others - namely lactic acid, citric acid, malic acid, and tartaric acid. These are all less potent than glycolic acid, but they are now all found together in home chemical peel kits. Start using a glycolic acid face wash or moisturizer as soon as possible - a 5% concentration would be good to begin with.

2. Glycolic Compound - There are skin care products in the "chemical peeling" market that consist of high strength glycolic acid, typically 20-70%. These contain something called "glycolic compound" - a pH-balanced complex of glycolic acid and ammonium glycolate. You will find this compound has helped several people achieve excellent results with their skin problems, particularly acne. MD Formulations and MD Forte are top brands that have released lotions, creams, and gels containing this ingredient.

3. Salicylic Acid - Also known as "beta hydroxy acid" and the only one. This is usually found as a 2% concentration in most skincare products. Its mode of action is similar to glycolic acid in that it causes skin cells to slough off. Salicylic acid is a good choice if you get mild to moderate breakouts.

4. Ferulic Acid - This is commonly found in anti-aging products because of it antioxidant properties. Your skin is undergoing constant oxidation. It is being oxidized by free radicals, other environmental pollutants, and the UV rays from the sun. You may think this to be inappropriate for your acne condition, but antioxidants stop oxidation, and this helps to prevent pre-existing scars and lines from advancing further. Antioxidants also help post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation which is a problem that many acne patients get. There are many antioxidants out there, but this one is good and it's widely used in brands like Skinceuticals, Murad, and Dr. Michelle Copeland.

The point to note here is that acne treatments "treat" through different modes of action - exfoliation, dermabrasion, and anti-bacterial action for example. But then there are others which work to "protect" and this is what antioxidants do, so these can prove to be very effective, especially in adult acne. Overall, anti-oxidants are great at improving the integrity of your skin. They give it the radiacne and the glowing effect that you're looking for.

5. Idebenone - Take the time to visit and here you can read about idebenone. I have chosen this product to demonstrate the importance of stopping your skin from oxidizing.

Idebenone is an analogue of another anti-oxidant called Co-enzyme Q10. This will make an expensive, but a potent free radical quencher.

6. Ascorbyl palmitate - You will find this in the famous Jan Marini C-ESTA products. It is the fat-soluble form of vitamin C, another antioxidant. This synthetic compound was made fat-soluble to improve its absorption through the skin. Water-soluble products don't penetrate the skin as well as lipid-soluble ones. Again, this one is great for tightening up contours around scarred regions in the T-Zone area, particularly around the nose.

So what I've tried to do here is to give you a good range of products like glycolic acid and other alpha hydroxy acids that unplug your hair follicles and allow oil and debris to flow out from under your skin, as well as powerful antioxidants n the current market that improve the overall integrity of your skin by giving it shine, glow, and make it less bumpy and more smooth.

It's very easy to get wrapped up in the habit of sticking to prescribed antibiotics, or OTC treatments for mild acne and end up frustrated having realized that they don't work, and sometimes even make your acne worse. If this is happening to you, start branching out by discovering more advanced treatments that contain the ingredients discussed herein, and you never know... a breakthrough in finding a treatment that works wonders for you may be just weeks away.

Sonny Dhinjan is the author of the Topical Acne Treatments Blog at where you can get great suggestions for quality acne treatments that get real results, and advice to help you get rid of your acne spots and post-acne problems like scarring.Bellina Blog24639
Anna Blog3357

A DBA Degree Program Is A Necessity To Keep Your Business Afloat

Nowadays, companies store almost all of their pertinent information in databases that run from personal computers. Over are the days of giant folders, scattered all over the office. Also, with a proper DBA degree program, the days of not being able to find the exact information you are looking for could also be over. Although creating and maintaining a successful database does not require an immense amount of knowledge, there are certain things that you absolutely must know.

A proper DBA degree program will give you all of the information that you could ever possibly need for proper database administration. This includes everything from constructing the database from scratch, to entering all of the pertinent information as well as the maintenance of the database. However, a DBA degree program might not be a great idea if you already don't have some sort of interest and experience with computers. Although someone with a computer background may have a fairly easy time with this program, someone with no computer knowledge at all would most likely find it to be difficult.

There are also a varied amount of classes that you can take, so that you can gear your learning curve one way or another. Database administration is a very vast field that has many aspects, so you won't be able to learn everything just from one program. Since databases are constantly changing, there will always be new information that you will need to uncover and understand. Therefore, even after you have completed your DBA degree program, you will not be finished learning. You will have to keep yourself up to date on all of the new developments as well as all of the new software. The IT community is always developing new ideas, so it is up to you to keep up with all of the current trends of the market in order to become a successful database administrator.

If you complete a DBA degree program, you will instantly make yourself a more valuable employee and therefore be able to garner a higher salary. There is barely a company around anymore, big or small that doesn't require a working and reliable database. Also, along with that database, most companies need a proven database administrator in order to maintain the database and ensure that it doesn't crash. Also, the information must be entered in such a manner that only a certified database administrator would be qualified to do it. If you have just anyone running and maintaining your database, then you might run into problems such as having the information entered incorrectly or not on the correct page. Also, there is a bigger chance of the database failing and you not having the qualified person to fix the problem.

A DBA degree program is almost a necessity when it comes to working with a database, due to the fact that they are continually being changed and improved. Therefore, someone with limited training will simply not be able to keep up with all of the rapid changes which will ultimately cost your company both time and money, in lost hours of productivity.

So if you want all of your information to be secure and properly stored, it is compulsory to enroll in a DBA degree program or assign someone from your staff to enroll in the course themselves. A qualified database administrator is a necessity in almost every type of business, so you might as well have someone who knows what they are doing at the helm of all of your pertinent information.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College offers a professional dba Degree program. Please visit Virginia College at to learn more about obtaining a Database Administration and Design Degree.Becka Blog17554
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